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Why Susan Boyle Reminds Us to Sing Our Songs @ Any Age!

Yes, you CAN! You can sing your song at any age! Envision the life of your dreams and live it NOW! Don't listen to what others say!

Smashing Smashing media myths is covered in this video that encourages us to live our dreams at every age:

The world seems to be infatuated with singer Susan Boyle who shows us that it's not how you look or how old you are or where you live that matters!

Funny, I EVEN thought there was an age limit of 25 or so on contestants on AMERICAN IDOL and GOT TALENT type shows. Susan Boyle proved that was WRONG!

Glassbox2 Don't be stuck in a glass basement -- don't buy into others opinions of you and what you do! See how to get a life not just a job in a free chapter of SUCCESSFUL RECAREERING, email [email protected] for your copy!

To see a video that I did about the topic of smashing stereotypes go to:

Is it WRONG to use Susan Boyle in this headline and to mention her in the video that encourages people to look at stereotypes? Hmm that seems to be to be a stereotype itself?

It seems to me that we as bloggers and creators of user-generated content owe it to our readers to point to the good stuff in the world and then to annotate it with info on how you can emulate that good in your own life? 

Now if you are out there selling Susan Boyle T shirts that may be another story? But somehow I bet Susan Boyle would be smiling at that too! She seems like that kind of woman!

If you'd like a free chapter of SUCCESSFUL RECAREERING about how to GET A LIFE NOT JUST A JOB, email me at [email protected]

Susanboyle Props to Susan Boyle for inspiring people around the world to live their dreams and realize their visions at EVERY age!

For a free chapter of THE VISION BOARD book go to: and ENJOY -- and SHARE THE VISION!


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