New Search Results for: THE VISION BOARD By Joyce Schwarz
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BPSCA Honors The VIsion Board Book Author Joyce Schwarz As Success Story!

The Book Publicists of Southern California Honored author and Hollywood career strategist Joyce Schwarz as a "SUCCE$$" story at their June meeting at the Sportsmen's Lodge Hotel in Studio City, California. Here are some of the pictures from that event:

Bps BPSCA Logo Book Publicists of Southern California and link to their website: honored THE VISION BOARD author Joyce Schwarz at their June SUCCESS STORY MEETING!

Joycea  Joycesportsa Joyce Schwarz shown left speaking to the BPSCA in Studio City, CA at the Sportsmen's lodge hotel about how to sell your book to a major publisher. She is holding up THE VISION BOARD book she sold to Harper Collins Publishing, Collins Design.

 Joycetink Left, Margaret Kerry, who is famous as the prototype model for TINKER BELL for Disney films & PETER PAN is shown left with Joyce Schwarz, author THE VISION BOARD. They shared the dais at a special event on SUCCESS STORIES at a recent event.


Google's front page featured press release about Joyce Schwarz speaking at the BPSCA event -- wonder if BPSCA has been on Google's front page before?

Bpeople Prior to Joyce Schwarz speaking at the BPSCA event a club member sneaks a peek at Joyce's THE VISION BOARD book while other members look on! Thanks to Irwin Zucker and Ernie Weckbaeger and everyone else who made the event a success!

Joycetink2 another version of Joyce Schwarz, author, THE VISION BOARD with her new gorgeous pal Margaret Kerry. Margaret bought a copy of THE VISION BOARD for her daughter and Joyce autographed it! SO MUCH FUN!

Tablea a glimpse at the large crowd that turned out for the BPSCA SUCCESS STORIES Thurs, June 11.

Tableb another look at the crowd attending the BPSCA Success Stories event on June 11. Check it out, one of the members in the center back is actually shown reading Joyce Schwarz' book THE VISION BOARD during the event!

Other speakers at the "DIG NEW SUCCESS STORIES" BPSCA included Margaret Kerry, longtime BPSC member teaming up with ERnie Weckbaugh club president to promo his upcoming new book 12 Big Lessons Learned as a Little Rascal due out in August. Margaret wrote the introduction! Yes, she was a LITTLE RASCAL too!

And other honorees and speakers were Linda Salvin MPH, PHD celebrating her 15th year as a popular radio psychic most recently with KABC TALK radio and  contributor to the BPSCA famous "CHOPPED LIVER" series.

AND the "Oracle of LA" as introduced by Irwin Zucker, Denise L Cook, author of THE ORACLE SPEAKS, just because...


And special thanks to my colleagues who are also fabulous speakers who were in the audience that night: Robbie Motter and Marsh Engle, both contributors to Joyce Schwarz THE VISION BOARD book!

For a free chapter from THE VISION BOARD go to And to buy the book to or to any of 6,000 bookstores across the US and Canada and also Target online and in stores and COSTCO in Canada!




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