www.hollywood2020.net interview by Joyce Schwarz with Jsu Garcia Producer & Actor: SPIRITUAL WARRIORS,inspirational film
Create a Father's Day Vision Board by Joyce Schwarz, author THE VISION BOARD BOOK

Father's Day: Find out how to envision a better relationship with your dad: listen to radio interview with Joyce Schwarz, author THE VISION BOARD book


  JOYCE SCHWARZ TO APPEAR ON RADIO FATHER'S DAY JUNE 21, 2009 TALKING ABOUT DADDY & ME VISION BOARD CREATION and using a vision board to envision a better relationship with your dad or for dads with their kids!

Bestselling Author Joyce Schwarz Discusses

THE VISION BOARD book on Blog Talk Radio

 Twitj author and Hollywood career and new company launch strategist Joyce Schwarz shown above left will appear on a special radiio show on Father's Day June 21 for more info email: [email protected]



On Sunday, June 21, 2009  at  5pm EST, Bestselling author &


career strategist, Joyce Schwarz

features on Rhymes, Views & News Talk Radio on Blog Talk Radio.  Joyce Schwarz is the author of THE VISION BOARD (Harper Collins Publishing, Collins Design 2008) book which is a best-seller across the

USA & Canada

. Listen live or call in for this exciting radio interview featuring Joyce Schwarz!

  During the interview Joyce Schwarz will:

Ø      Discuss visioning and vision board creation!

Ø      Share her experience as a coach and consultant to entrepreneurs, corporate executives, celebrities, TV personalities, Olympic athletes, and even a presidential candidate!

Ø      Tell you how to empower your success and create a vision map for you future!

Ø      Tips on successful recareering and more!

Rhymes, Views & News Talk Radio is hosted by writer, performer and author, DuEwa Frazier.  Listen live on Sunday, June 21st at

5pm EST

, via www.blogtalkradio.com/duewafraziershow

 or call-in at 646-716-9474!

 Joyce Schwarz will take your questions and hear your comments regarding personal development and success!

Visit the following websites for more information on Joyce Schwarz and THE VISION BOARD:






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