Trouble Keeping Your New Year's Resolutions ...Make and live a Vision Board Instead says Joyce Schwarz,bestselling author THE VISION BOARD book on WHCR Radio Show
February 07, 2019
Are you having trouble keeping your 2019 New Year's Resolutions --to go to the gym, lose five pounds or meditate daily? You are not alone. US News & World Report says that by the second week in February most people have broken or not kept their resolutions.
This Meme with Actor Leo DeCaprio even celebrates breaking your New Year's Resolution...but don't be depressed, you can get a "DO-OVER" by creating a Vision Board and living that vision says noted Career Consultant and bestselling author Joyce Schwarz, "The Vision Board: Secret to An Extraordinary Life" ..Schwarz reviewed her streamlined method for making your board and more importantly using it as your GPS to live your vision in 2019 and beyond on WHCR Radio in an interview with host Rick Young.
Bestselling author Joyce Schwarz and her Vision Board Institute feature more than 375 Certified Vision Board Coaches around the globe so she knows you can use a visionboard as your GPS to your future.
"Actually since the Lunar New Year --also called the Chinese New Year-- started this week you can use that as impetus for a "do-over" explains Schwarz
Don't give up, you can still use implement her three step VIP method for making a Vision Board for your resolution to back them up an re-start better than ever before --or jumpstart a new vision if you wish.
Oprah helped to popularize the value of having a visionboard but bestselling author and founder of THE VISION BOARD INSTITUTE Joyce Schwarz, a popular keynote speaker and Career Coach says you need a method to make your board...otherwise you will be overwhelmed by the madness of the many images.
Most readers know by know that a vision board is a visual map to your best possible future -- you've seen celebrities and athletes featured using and making a vision board including Oprah, 50Cents and Olympians and NFL players.
#1 VISION BOARD MISTAKE-- putting too many pictures on your board -- or even worse...making a vision board "in your head" versus in real life.
"The biggest mistake most people make is to just cut out pictures from magazines and glue them on a posterboard randomly so it looks almost like a ransom note or a kindergarden play project," says Schwarz.
A vision board is more than a wish-list, a great vision board serves as your GPS for your life.
Joyce has seen many vision boards that feature as many as 50 photos ranging from dream houses to Coach handbags to shiny new Corvettes" Too many shiny objects explains Schwarz. Lots of sparkle and no action. Even people who have heard of the Law of Attraction often believe all you have to do is to see it and believe it and UPS will deliver it.
Don't just hang in there with your it says Joyce Schwarz. In making their vision board most people make it too busy and too shallow! Too many people add scores of headlines torn from publications urging them to "Hang In There", "Be Happy", "Don't Give Up" and every other cliche pop-psychology phrase that they can find.
V....Instead Schwarz recommends her VIP Method = Start with VISIONING -- an ancient process used by everyone from indigenous nations to the World Bank to envision your future first. Visioning is a combination of soul searching, brainstorming and even improv, says Schwarz. Go to a quiet place -- talk a walk in the woods, or sit in a chapel or even sit in a bubblebath (yes, whatever relaxes you and brings you back to your Center).
Close your eyes and envision how you can make your life the best possible. Worried about your weight -- then envision how you can start eating healthy today. Think positive..see yourself fit and envision yourself running or working out or even just stretching.
Then jot down some notes if you can ..on a tablet or on your mobile ...instead of the old-fashioned resolution to lose 20 pounds by going on the trendiest diet discover words that empower you. And affirmations that are encouraging like I am eating better today.
I....start making your vision board by putting a picture of "I" -- you in the center of your board so you own your gather images that support your strongest vision which is to be fit and healthy. Remember the benefits are what will drive you forward not just deprivation. Living your vision should be positive and enjoyable
IMAGES: Select 6 to 8 strong defining images that show people living your vision and even going beyond your comfort zone. You may not be able to climb a mountain yet, but you can take a rock climbing course at a nearby gym or hike 200 feet or dive into a field of daisies when Spring comes.
P...power words and affirmations, as noted above -- pick phrases that truly empower you -- I like "ing" words that make me feel like I am moving forward now such as I am eating healthy foods. I am walking 1000 steps more daily.
Don't depend on magazines for these phrases-- type them up or print them clearly with a marker so you are truly invested in your own progress.
Remember it is INSPIRED action that will truly be the best way to live your vision. Live your vision immediately -- what kind of steps can you take today -- yes even before you buy your fancy activity tracker or that shiny Fitbit. Maybe its just walking in place. Maybe it's doing some stretches ..
go ahead and start "BEING YOUR VISION NOW"....take some action steps today. Need help? Consider taking the Vision Board Institute upcoming QUICK START Make and Live Your Vision Board home study course. Or contacting me at: [email protected] for a recomendation for a Certified Vision Board Coach in your geographic area.
LOVE VISION BOARDS and Want to Help Others Make Their Dreams Come True -- become a Certified Vision Board Coach in 4 weeks via our home study program which you can read and sign up for here: