earth day

THE VISION BOARD BOOK by Joyce Schwarz featured in Canadian News Column

Canadiannews To see a full copy of this article which appeared in the Canadian news today, go to

Twitj GET A FREE CHAPTER OF THE VISION BOARD book by Joyce Schwarz @!  

Joyce Schwarz, author THE VISION BOARD: the secret to an extraordinary life would love to share with you a free chapter from her bestselling book (now once again the #1 spiritual and mystical bestseller on Go to for a free chapter of the book. To buy the book go to interview by Joyce Schwarz with Jsu Garcia Producer & Actor: SPIRITUAL WARRIORS,inspirational film

By Joyce Schwarz,, wanted to get this posted as soon as possible will be adding pictures to the post and more information about the upcoming screening in Beverly Hills on Saturday, June 20 see more at:
 Plus, there is a premiere preview of the sequel to SPIRITUAL WARRIORS that will be seen at that screening on Saturday.
 Picture of the DVD cover of the film SPIRITUAL WARRIORS and the poster
Spiritual4 Pictures from the inspirational movie SPIRITUAL WARRIORS
Spiritual5 More pictures from the movie SPIRITUAL WARRIORS
This blog post is written by Joyce Schwarz,author of THE VISION BOARD: the secret to an extraordinary life by Harper Collins Publishing, Collins Design, fall, 2008, to see a free chapter of the book at
or go to www.visonboard.infoto sign up for the free newseltter on vision boad creation.

What is a Vision Board? Can it help my boomerang son or daughter? Tune Into The Diva Success Network, on Thurs May 28 at 1pm EST to hear The Vision Board book author Joyce Schwarz at 1pm interview!

Pixwgkrs Listen to Author of THE VISION BOARD: Joyce Schwarz and Gina McNew host of The Diva Success Network, the station is Radio Sandy Springs on Thursday, May 28 at 1 pm EST

Pictured above is Joyce Schwarz, author, THE VISION BOARD book ( who is an expert career strategist. One of the hot topics Joyce will be addressing in her interview with talk show host Gina McNew in Atlanta on Thursday, May 28 @ 1 pm EST is how can a vision board or a vision for life help me deal with my 'boomerang' son or daughter who is back living at home and not working.! The show will be on The Diva Success Network, the station is Radio Sandy Springs


To get a free chapter of THE VISION BOARD book in advance go to: 

Bookvb To get your free visionboard creation tips newsletter -- email: [email protected] OR go to and SIGN UP NOW!

To find out more about becoming a CVBC (Certified Vision Board Counselor) email: [email protected] or call Joyce Schwarz at 310-822-3119.


How to create a Mother's Day Vision Board: Special hints for Nursing Homes or Assisted Living from Joyce Schwarz, author THE VISION BOARD BOOK

 Mother's Day: How to create a Mother's Day Vision Board!


by Joyce Schwarz at 2:04 PM PDT, May 10, 2009
Would you like to honor your mom or grandma or even your greatgrandmother today or this week or anytime of the year!

Then follow these 5 steps from best-selling author Joyce Schwarz,  The Vision Board: The Secret to an Extraordinary Life    from Harper Collins Publishing, Collins Design.
1) Gather together some pictures of you and your mom together throughout the years either real photographs from old albums that are falling apart or scan some photos that you may have framed already.
Giftbox2 Giftboxlid1 You can use the inside top lid of a gift box as a 'shadow box' to make your Mother's Day Vision Board says Joyce Schwarz, author THE VISION BOARD the secret to an extraordinary life, for free newsletter.
2) Make sure you have the following on hand -- a) a posterboard -- if you don't have one you can use a bulletin board or a corkboard or the inside lid of a box that may have held the robe you game mom for Mother's day! The inside lid of a nice box -- becomes almost like a Shadow Box for the Vision Board creation. You can also use an old shadow box you may have on hand.
Greetomgcards Mother'sdaydrawing
3) You can do this with mom or grandma and your kids too. Sit down with some colored markers or crayons and do it together. Brainstorm some of the fun times you've had together with mom --here are some ideas a) going out to dinner on mother's day -- if you're going out today be sure to take a picture of mom with your family or you! Mom out gardening, mom doing some of her favorite things -- playng the piano, holding you as a baby or even finishing running her first marathon.
4) Paste the pictures on some colorful paper you line the inside of the box with -- maybe the colored tissue paper (pink or green or yellow that you wrapped that robe with. You can use tape or glue to hold the paper in place. If you want double up the adhesive tape so that it sticks without seeing the bits of tape. OR if you don't have tape make some glue. OR if you don't have either mix a tiny bit of flour and water together and it will form some glue for you just be careful to use just a dot of it so that it doesn't show through. BUT If it does -- don't worry you can cover that with a sticker or a little design from your kids or you. Or another picture.
Giftwinebox Hgtvbox Mother2 Mother1
You can use any box -- see the wine box at the left it would make a nice Mother's Day Shadow box once the wine is consumed at dinner or put on a shelf or wine cellar. See the HGTV box -- that is symbolic -- you can cut out pictures and put in flowers from the day or ribbons or whatever. And whatif you don't have any pix of mom -- well, consider doing a real nature-themed Mother's Day Vision Board with pictures of wild animals and their children like these Polar Bears and elephants. So much fun!
5) Pick a theme for your Mother's Day Vision Board: here are some possibilities: a) gratitude-- what are you thanking your mom for a) her guidance b) her support c) her understanding or d) just being there when no one else was.
a) But what if you and your mom don't get along perfectly -- don't worry most moms and daughters or sons aren't like the LEAVE IT TO BEAVER TV families of the 20th century.
b) If you feel more comfortable just honor your mom's heritage and her life -- include pictures of her mother and grandmother. a copy of a map of the country where her family is from such as Mexico or France or Hungary. And include pictures of your mom throughout the years -- a picture (or copy of one when she was a kid) or a copy of a wedding picutre or a copy of a picture of her holding her first grandchild etc.
This kind of remembrance Vision Board is ideal for moms who are in the hospital or a rest home or in assisted living where her roommates and visitors and nurses and attendants can see mom in her prime.
20 PAGES FROM THE VISION BOARD BOOK -- free Mother's Day Gift:
or see an additional free chapter at
For questions or comments about creating vision boards for special occasions like Mother's Day please contact author Joyce Schwarz directly at [email protected] or joyceschwarz(at)
For more free instructions and sample vision boards sign up for the free newsletter at
To see the official website for THE VISION BOARD by Joyce Schwarz go to

How to create a personal Earth Day Vision Board by Joyce Schwarz

One of the most eco-friendly ways to celebrate Earth Day with your family, office mates and school class is to create a Vision Board.

HOW to create an eco-friendly vision board to celebrate EARTH DAY!

Blogger note, during the past few months, one of the most requested posts on this author's blog has been "how to create an eco-friendly vision board. So I've repeated and updated this step-by-step post in celebration of Earth Day 2009. ENJOY!

Good news, Joyce Schwarz, author,being contacted by various recycling organizations and foundation to set up workshops across the nation to show why creating Vision Boards is eco-friendly.

Shown above is Aras Baskaskas, $1 million CBS Survivor show winner who is featured in THE VISION BOARD by Joyce Schwarz talking about wellness and Yoga and the environment.

 First we want to assure that the book itself --208 page, 4-color throughouts, hard cover, 100 color pix IS "carbon neutral". A quick check online shows that News Corps, who owns Collins Desing, an imprint of Harper Collins Publishing does buy eco-offset credits.  The Vision Board: The Secret to an Extraordinary Life 
Be assured by creating Vision Boards using images from old magazines and other printed material such as direct mail flyers, invitations, posters, wallpaper and even newspaper clippings, you ARE RECYCLING! 
There are several regional and national programs organized just to recycle magazines (more on those later, especially the ones from the MPA (Magazine Publishers Assn) and the City of New York.


A) Gather old magazines, newspapers, printed materials including greeting cards, cartoons from newspapers, grocery circulars and catalogs in a large basket.

B) Be sure if you purchase any new background paper or materials that they are recycled too. Recycled posterboard is available but you may want to create your board using such eco-friendly materials as flax or organic cotton fabrics or even the back of old paintings or posters you already have on your wall--continuing the recycling circle.

C) Gather up found objects, paperclips, broken jewelry, ribbons from a birthday party or wedding shower, stamps and stickers from envelopes (you can re-attach with a glue stick later)

D) Be sure any paints or marker pens you use are also eco-friendly. In fact considering buying a whole pack of these and sharing them with your neighbors so that they can create an eco-friendly board too!
Or use natural materials. I've seen vision boards created with charcoal, withwaters colored by natural herbs & flowers and almost water-painted onto the board.
Or even consider painting (with eco-friendly paints) a large bolder or old board you find near your garage>

E) Consider making your own recycled hand-made paper from old paper --the back of old posters, the back of leftover wallpaper or even on the back of an old awning or window shade!
F) If you're framing your board, be sure to recycle an old frame that you have in your house or garage or to pick one up at a flea market or thrift store in your neighborhood.
G) Gather the raw materials together. Spread out an old blanket or tablecloth to cover the creation area (a table or an area of a floor or even do it outside on your patio).
H) Begin by making a list with your group of the Eco affirmations they would like to keep in the next year and for the rest of their lives!
Examples include:
I recycle everything I can.
I am recycling my kitchen scraps too now.
I turn off the water when I brush my teeth.
I have a filter for my tap water.
 I am simplifying my life.
I buy only what I absolutely need to live.
 I make my footsteps on earth as light as they can be.
I recycle for others when I see an opportunity.
 I make sure what I buy is carbon-neutral.

Pictures for your eco-board.

One of the fun ways to get the right pictures for your eco board is to make a list of those pix you'd like to see on the board such as: a) a home garden you are planting b) a method of composting you are starting in your group/family c) Past pictures of your family in the outdoors -- climbing or hiking or enjoying the earth at places you've visited --yes, even if they are near and part of your home town area. They don't have to be at an exotic location

TRAVEL -- another option is to gather some travel brochures at your local travel agency or from the travel section of your newspaper or favorite website and put those on the board planning on where you'd like to visit that IS eco-friendly.

VOLUNTEER WORK - do a bit of research and see what local groups need volunteers to help with eco-friendly work in your location. Make a call while you're creating your board -- don't wait until after the weekend or until tomorrow morning. Most groups have answering machines or voicemail or you can email them expressing interest. DO IT NOW1  Add a picture of the group's logo or pix of those past volunteers helping out humanity and the earth to your board.

DECORATE THE BOARD with natural embellishments, consider adding dried flowers or leaves, add a twig or sprinkle it with sand from your last beach visit (spread a layer of glue in a circle first and the sand will stick of course!

MAKE AN ECO-PLEDGE -- draft up an eco pledge that you type up or handwrite on a brown bag and put it on the back of your Vision Board to remind you of what your family is pledging to do that is eco-friendly for 2009 & beyond.

Set at least one day a month aside to catch up with eco-tasks like recycling, composting etc. Maybe you choose the 3rd Saturday of the month or it's the afternoon after church on the second Sunday. By setting a specific date you'll keep your eco-pledge and be living your eco-friendly live you envision on your EARTH DAY VISION BOARD!

Here is an example of how really visioning what you want out of life can help with your lifestyle decisions. ENJOY. Any questions, email: [email protected] or add your own comments to this blog post!

AN EXAMPLE OF LIVING AN ECO-FRIENDLY LIFE that a vision board solved for TV personality Aras Baskaskas the $1 million dollar winner of SURVIVOR

Today we are featuring the vision board created by CBS SURVIVOR $1 million winner, Aras Baskaskas when he was working with THE VISION BOARD author Joyce Schwarz with help by artist Annie Kaycora.
Note more info on Aras board is featured in THE VISION BOARD by Joyce Schwarz, Collins Design and you can sign up for a free newsletter at

Aras vision became even greener during the creation process as he decided to design his future dream living and working environment which will feature both his planned Yoga retreat center and a living area too.
By creating the board Aras realized he wanted to combo his life so that work and living would be in more harmony versus having two locations for those parts of our lives as many people still do.

Take a look at Aras vision above and read more about it in THE VISION BOARD by Joyce Schwarz, The website for the book is

For more information about designing your eco-board, email: [email protected]