
SAY YES TO LIFE WITH A VISION BOARD by Joyce Schwarz, author The Vision Board book


In these days of economic downturn, you may hear lots of comments of doom and gloom. What we all need at this time is to say YES, to the great things and people in our lives!.


By creating a SAY YES TO LIFE Vision Board you can do 'just' that!



Some days it seems that everyone around you is in a negative mood. All you hear is "NO", "NO" or "NO WAY"!

So what can you do --well, JUST SAY YES!



Here are 5 NO COST WAYS TO SAY AND "SHOW" YES to the world even before you make your vision board:

1) Go to the park and take a ride on a swing -- go ahead act the age of your shoe size? Ever heard that before --my shoe size is 8 -- so I get to be an 8 year old anytime I want!

2)Eat dessert first! I just found out that October 28 --the launch date of The Vision Board: The Secret to an Extraordinary Life is NATIONAL CHOCOLATE DAY! Ymmm so I'm taking this opportunity to remind you to eat your dessert first that day -- it's only 19 days away! A little bit of dark chocolate is full of anioxidents so go ahead splurge every day with a bite or two of the most decadent chocolate you can find!

3) Put on your happy cap if you're having a bad hair day. I always keep a few of my favorite baseball caps with fun logos hanging as decorations in one of my closets! When I'm feeling a bit down -- I ALWAYS wear my sequineed black and silver baseball cap and I take it on trips around the world-- even on a ride on an Arabian horse in Petra, Jordan!

NO MORE BAD HAIR DAYS! Okay -- we'll have to get some SHARE THE VISION baseball caps to tie in with our website www.ihaveavision.org! More on that later.

4) Share a compliment-- say something nice today to someone you DON'T KNOW -- if life is a little cloudy-- I always make sure that I give a compliment or two to someone I see in a store or even in a parking lot.

It's easy --and yes, you can be sincere -- after all -- most people love to be told that their car is a beautiful color or that their T shirt is so much fun or that you love that gorgeous Olive green handbag that the senior you see at the post office is carrying.

You'll be amazed how much it perks you up!

5) CALL A PAL you haven't talked to in a few months or even a few years. Ask them the questions about their life and family -- be a good listener, don't spoil the moment by dragging them down with your own doldrums! Remind them of a couple of fun things you did together.

That's a great way to open the call --start by saying "remember the time we did....."

Now make a list of all of the great things you appreciate in your life and all of the great people and take some pictures of them or go through a magazine and begin to place them on a vision board.

What's a vision board? Most of you know a vision board is a visual map or depiction of how you'd like to live your best life possible and a way to pay tribute to the wonderful things you have and are creating in your life.

Take a poster board or a blank journal and paste some of these YES images in your journal or on your board. And add affirmations that remind you that you are grateful for what IS yes in you life and what will add more YES to your life in the future. Speak in the present tense (not the future) I am grateful for the wonderful home I have on a hill in the forest! YES I have that home now! See it experience it.


Author's Bio
Joyce A. Schwarz is the author of THE VISION BOARD, th secret to an extraordinary life. For a free chapter of the book go to http:/tinyurl.com/seeinsidebook

www.hollywood2020.net interview by Joyce Schwarz with Jsu Garcia Producer & Actor: SPIRITUAL WARRIORS,inspirational film

By Joyce Schwarz, Hollywood2020.net, wanted to get this posted as soon as possible will be adding pictures to the post and more information about the upcoming screening in Beverly Hills on Saturday, June 20 see more at: www.spiritualwarriors.com
 Plus, there is a premiere preview of the sequel to SPIRITUAL WARRIORS that will be seen at that screening on Saturday.
 Picture of the DVD cover of the film SPIRITUAL WARRIORS and the poster www.spiritualwarriors.com
Spiritual4 Pictures from the inspirational movie SPIRITUAL WARRIORS www.spiritualwarriors.com
Spiritual5 More pictures from the movie SPIRITUAL WARRIORS www.spiritualwarriors.com
This blog post is written by Joyce Schwarz,author of THE VISION BOARD: the secret to an extraordinary life by Harper Collins Publishing, Collins Design, fall, 2008, to see a free chapter of the book at http://tinyurl.com/visionboardamazon
or go to www.visonboard.infoto sign up for the free newseltter on vision boad creation.

What is a Vision Board? Can it help my boomerang son or daughter? Tune Into The Diva Success Network, on Thurs May 28 at 1pm EST to hear The Vision Board book author Joyce Schwarz at 1pm interview!

Pixwgkrs Listen to Author of THE VISION BOARD: Joyce Schwarz and Gina McNew host of The Diva Success Network, the station is Radio Sandy Springs on Thursday, May 28 at 1 pm EST

Pictured above is Joyce Schwarz, author, THE VISION BOARD book (www.ihaveavision.org) who is an expert career strategist. One of the hot topics Joyce will be addressing in her interview with talk show host Gina McNew in Atlanta on Thursday, May 28 @ 1 pm EST is how can a vision board or a vision for life help me deal with my 'boomerang' son or daughter who is back living at home and not working.! The show will be on The Diva Success Network, the station is Radio Sandy Springs

TO WATCH THE SHOW STREAMING LIVE FROM ATLANTA go to http://www.radiosandysprings.com  @ 1 pm EST, May 28, 2009

To get a free chapter of THE VISION BOARD book in advance go to: http://tinyurl.com/visionboardamazon 

Bookvb To get your free visionboard creation tips newsletter -- email: [email protected] OR go to www.visionboard.info and SIGN UP NOW!

To find out more about becoming a CVBC (Certified Vision Board Counselor) email: [email protected] or call Joyce Schwarz at 310-822-3119.


How to create a Mother's Day Vision Board: Special hints for Nursing Homes or Assisted Living from Joyce Schwarz, author THE VISION BOARD BOOK

 Mother's Day: How to create a Mother's Day Vision Board!


by Joyce Schwarz at 2:04 PM PDT, May 10, 2009
Would you like to honor your mom or grandma or even your greatgrandmother today or this week or anytime of the year!

Then follow these 5 steps from best-selling author Joyce Schwarz,  The Vision Board: The Secret to an Extraordinary Life    from Harper Collins Publishing, Collins Design.
1) Gather together some pictures of you and your mom together throughout the years either real photographs from old albums that are falling apart or scan some photos that you may have framed already.
Giftbox2 Giftboxlid1 You can use the inside top lid of a gift box as a 'shadow box' to make your Mother's Day Vision Board says Joyce Schwarz, author THE VISION BOARD the secret to an extraordinary life, www.visionboard.info for free newsletter.
2) Make sure you have the following on hand -- a) a posterboard -- if you don't have one you can use a bulletin board or a corkboard or the inside lid of a box that may have held the robe you game mom for Mother's day! The inside lid of a nice box -- becomes almost like a Shadow Box for the Vision Board creation. You can also use an old shadow box you may have on hand.
Greetomgcards Mother'sdaydrawing
3) You can do this with mom or grandma and your kids too. Sit down with some colored markers or crayons and do it together. Brainstorm some of the fun times you've had together with mom --here are some ideas a) going out to dinner on mother's day -- if you're going out today be sure to take a picture of mom with your family or you! Mom out gardening, mom doing some of her favorite things -- playng the piano, holding you as a baby or even finishing running her first marathon.
4) Paste the pictures on some colorful paper you line the inside of the box with -- maybe the colored tissue paper (pink or green or yellow that you wrapped that robe with. You can use tape or glue to hold the paper in place. If you want double up the adhesive tape so that it sticks without seeing the bits of tape. OR if you don't have tape make some glue. OR if you don't have either mix a tiny bit of flour and water together and it will form some glue for you just be careful to use just a dot of it so that it doesn't show through. BUT If it does -- don't worry you can cover that with a sticker or a little design from your kids or you. Or another picture.
Giftwinebox Hgtvbox Mother2 Mother1
You can use any box -- see the wine box at the left it would make a nice Mother's Day Shadow box once the wine is consumed at dinner or put on a shelf or wine cellar. See the HGTV box -- that is symbolic -- you can cut out pictures and put in flowers from the day or ribbons or whatever. And whatif you don't have any pix of mom -- well, consider doing a real nature-themed Mother's Day Vision Board with pictures of wild animals and their children like these Polar Bears and elephants. So much fun!
5) Pick a theme for your Mother's Day Vision Board: here are some possibilities: a) gratitude-- what are you thanking your mom for a) her guidance b) her support c) her understanding or d) just being there when no one else was.
a) But what if you and your mom don't get along perfectly -- don't worry most moms and daughters or sons aren't like the LEAVE IT TO BEAVER TV families of the 20th century.
b) If you feel more comfortable just honor your mom's heritage and her life -- include pictures of her mother and grandmother. a copy of a map of the country where her family is from such as Mexico or France or Hungary. And include pictures of your mom throughout the years -- a picture (or copy of one when she was a kid) or a copy of a wedding picutre or a copy of a picture of her holding her first grandchild etc.
This kind of remembrance Vision Board is ideal for moms who are in the hospital or a rest home or in assisted living where her roommates and visitors and nurses and attendants can see mom in her prime.
20 PAGES FROM THE VISION BOARD BOOK -- free Mother's Day Gift:
or see an additional free chapter at http://tinyurl.com/visionboardamazon
For questions or comments about creating vision boards for special occasions like Mother's Day please contact author Joyce Schwarz directly at [email protected] or joyceschwarz(at)gmail.com
For more free instructions and sample vision boards sign up for the free newsletter at www.visionboard.info.
To see the official website for THE VISION BOARD by Joyce Schwarz go to http://www.ihaveavision.org


Twitj  by Joyce Schwarz at 1:23 PM PDT, April 2, 2009, www.visionboard.info (official blog for THE VISION BOARD book by Joyce Schwarz 

Great news, I had the honor of conducting a special webinar for Boeing employees today during a lunch and learning session.

It's so fascinating how many companies like Boeing really CARE about their employees personal development. Many actually have teams and co-leaders now like Boeing does!

Ever wonder what it's like to build the biggest airplanes in the world? THE VISION BOARD author Joyce Schwarz just presented a workshop to Boeing staffers who do just that. The topic of author/speaker/career strategist Joyce Schwarz presentation was PASSPORT TO POSSIBIILTY!

AND I'm thrilled to tell you that the Boeing team said THE VISION BOARD presentation was AWESOME! YOWZA
  The Vision Board: The Secret to an Extraordinary Life  linkhere click to see more about THE VISION BOARD book -- 208 pages, 100 color pix and tips/advice & interviews with more than 75 wisdom leaders including 7 of the teachers of the blockbuster movie THE SECRET!
 PASSPORT TO POSSIBILITY is just one of the webinars and workshops that Joyce Schwarz, author THE VISION BOARD book gives to corporations, trade groups and businesses around the world in person at your location or via webinar. For more details about booking Joyce Schwarz to speak to your group, email: joyceschwarz (at)mail.com click to see website here

WORKSHOPS ONLINE AND ON-SITE BY JOYCE SCHWARZ, THE VISION BOARD book author & career strategist, www.ihaveavision.org

What was it on? It was on a section that is actually in THE VISION BOARD book called PASSPORT TO POSSIBILITY!
Here's a peek into the presentation. For more info email: joyceschwarz (at) gmail.com
Below, click on the JPEG to find out more about Joyce Schwarz and her Passport for possibility presentation! This is an actual slide in the presentation. NOTE copyright, Joyce Schwarz, JCOM, www.joycecom.com
Click on JPEG to see more info about THE PASSPORT TO POSSIBILITY webinar conducted by Joyce Schwarz, author THE VISION BOARD book www.ihaveavision.org

What the heck is a vision board anyway & why should I care? Joyce Schwarz, author THE VISION BOARD book (www.visionboard.info) explains how the concept of visioning and vision boards dates back to the cave man era during her corporate workshops and webinars for companies like Boeing. This slide is an excerpt from Joyce Schwarz presentation called PASSPORT TO POSSIBILITY. To book Joyce Schwarz to speak @ your organization or company or to do an online webinar: email: joyceschwarz(at) gmail.com  

Are you a visionary? Could you be? Do you want to motivate & inspire your team or your organization? Email: [email protected] for more info on her presentations, webinars and speaking topics including PASSPORT TO POSSIBILITY which Boeing rated AWESOME!

Note: to see free 20 pages from THE VISION BOARD book go to http://tinyurl.com/seeinsidebook.

To see five star reviews and rave recommendations for THE VISION BOARD go to http://tinyurl.com/visionboardamazon (you'll also get another free chapter there!
To sign up for THE VISION BOARD newsletter go to: http://www.visionboard.info.
To get more information about becoming one of the first Certified Vision Board Counselors in the world, email [email protected] for info about next week's free seminar about how you can get accredited and start making $20K more per year with your coaching practice by working only 4 hours a week!
WANT TO TALK TO JOYCE SCHWARZ NOW: call her at 310-822-3119!

Rick Barber, 850 KOA Denver to Interview Joyce Schwarz THE VISION BOARD author on Mon 1 a.m. MST Jan 5, 09

Live in Denver? Call in and talk with author The Vision Board Joyce Schwarz on 850 KOA Rick Barber Show on Monday morning 1 a.m. Mountain time which is Sun midnight Pacific time

9:40 PM PST, January 3, 2009
Do you live in Denver area? Well, then you're in luck!   The Vision Board: The Secret to an Extraordinary Life author Joyce Schwarz will be the featured guest for a full on hour interview on the Rick Barber Show on 850 KOA am www.850koa.com

TUNE IN LIVE STREAMING ONLINE: www.850koa.com to hear Joyce Schwarz author THE VISION BOARD on the Rick Barber show on KOA Radio, Denver, 12 midnight PST Sun Jan 4  and 1 a.m. Mountain time January 5.

Joyce Schwarz, author THE VISION BOARD: the secret to an extraordinary life will be the featured guest at 12 midnight 1/4/09 and 1 a.m. 1/5/09 on 850 KOA radio Denver on the Rick Barber show.
Rick Barber, talk show host of After Midnight with Rick Barber, 850 KOA Denver, Colorado will do a 1 hour interview with author Joyce Schwarz, THE VISION BOARD on how you can make 2009 your best year ever!

Talk Line303-713-8585
You can get a free newsletter about visioning your best year ever by going to: http://www.visionboard.info and filling out the form.
YOU CAN SEE INSIDE THE BOOK and learn more about VISIONING by going directly to this page on Amazon.com :
Or go to the official website at: http;//www.Ihaveavision.org
Thanks for your interest, Joyce Schwarz, author, The Vision Board: the secret to an extraordinary life.
To email Joyce Schwarz about private coaching: [email protected]

Extraordinary Author with Vision -- Check out Jon Samsel's Blog post on THE VISION BOARD

 Amazing how life comes full circle, blogger and digital media exec Jon Samsel and Joyce Schwarz met about 15 years ago when the Internet was just launching to the people. Now Jon took time to ask author Joyce Schwarz   The Vision Board: The Secret to an Extraordinary Life some insightful questions.

Gotta love the headline: Extraordinary author with a vision!

 And it's my pleasure to share a link jonsamsel.com   to that article here and to encourage you to keep up with Jon's blog. Thanks for remembering Jon! And I love the headline on the article! Let me know what you readers think.

The pix is a live grab from one of the contributor's Jina Bacarr's youtube video she produced on location at the celebrity/charity book signing at Digital Hollywood so that's why Joyce is so excited! Link is www.jonsamsel.com

The Secret To Oprah's Obama Vision Board-- Read this for link to hear her talk about it Power105.1

By Joyce Schwarz, author THE VISION BOARD: the secret to an extraordinary life (208 pages, 4-color, 100 pix etc) Here's the scoop about Oprah & her call to Ed Lover at Power105.1 NYC radio. Here a link to the actual call: click to hear Oprah & Ed call
BE SURE TO LISTEN TO THE END OF THE CALL -- it's about 5 mins long to hear about Oprah's Vision Board and her dress and what Michelle said that made her create the Vision Board -- it's awesome. Oprah's Obama Vision Board & hear the call by clicking here!actual call oprah & ed
Or go to: http://www.power1051fm.com/cc-common/political/
and click on the link there to hear Oprah and Ed Lover talking about her Vision Board and her dress for the Obama inaugural taped live on election morning
We have the scoop here at www.visionboard.info by Joyce Schwarz, author THE VISION BOARD.
LISTEN TO THE CALL By clicking Oprah & ed call
Okay readers, I spent some real time online and I have all the secret info on Oprah's Obama Vision Board -- you know the one that is making news in LA TIMES and on TMZ.com and the one she talked about on the radio in NYC!
First of all Oprah called a NYC station called Power105.1 and Ed Lover is the DJ on the morning show there called of course the Ed Lover show. Oprah was not calling a Chicago radio station -- she was calling Ed!
Listen to the call by clicking Oprah & Ed
 This IS the radio station *see pix of Ed & Oprah below)  that Oprah called into from Chicago the morning of the election. She said she was calling as an ordinary citizen and was still in the makeup room without her eyelashes on yet. She called Ed Lover, Host the morning show 6-10 a.m. on Power105.1
DURING THE CALL Ed had the sense to ask her about her dress for Obama's inauguration -- thinking positively that she'd be going after Tuesday night (remember it was only about 9 a.m or so in NYC.
In answering Ed's question about her dress-- she started to make some national news because that's when Oprah revealed she made a VISION BOARD about Obama and the election prompted by a comment Michelle Obama made after a rally that Oprah and Maria Shriver and Michelle were at in California back in Feb 08.
If you didn't already, listen to the call with Oprah & Ed: Oprah& ed call
In this LA TIMES section TOP OF THE TICKET Oprah is shown with Obama and the story talks about Oprah's call to Ed Lover at Power105.1 in NYC on election morning when she revealed she'd made herself a VISION BOARD and actually included a picture of her dress for Obama's Inaugural ball!.
The Vision Board author Joyce Schwarz is going to ask the publicist at Harper Collins Publishing -- to send over a couple of books to Ed Lover and his co-host VJ Free to make sure they have the scoop on hot to make their own vision boards!

Did you know that THE CHICAGO SUN TIMES reported last month that author Joyce Schwarz had already been on the Oprah show-- not true-- but sure an example of law of attraction -- just waiting for the call! Meanwhile how about a phoner with Ed and Free???? That would be awesome!

Check out Joyce's new blog on Power105.1 in NYC ! She even put up a beach scene! And she has pals already!

Yes, We Can! Obama Vision Board: Law of Attraction in Action!

ObamaVBMedium Obama Vision Board designed for THE VISION BOARD by Joyce Schwarz, Harper Collins Publishing, Collins Design by Nick Thorsch, creator and founder of The Ultimate Vision Board facebook app. 

By Joyce Schwarz, As the author of the new book "THE VISION BOARD: the secret to an extraordinary life" it's my honor to feature here Obama's Vision board created by one of the contributors to my book, Nick Thorsch who worked on Obama's campaign.

Back to the future in New Hampshire:
Thorsch created the Obama Vision Board on my request. I knew that Nick was working with President-elect Barack Obama's team on the New Hampshire election. Looking back on those days, Nick explains," I was glad to be doing as much as I could (in New Hampshire)  to help this great man become our next President."

He adds, " Despite being in freezing conditions, no pay, and living on an air mattress in someone else's house. the people were all good natured, smart and devoted to Obama's cause, it was a good culture."

OBAMA'S VISION: How did Thorsch pick the photos and phrases to put on Obama's board?  He reveals, " I just searched the Internet for images symbolic of him and his campaign - him --inpsiring crowds of people, connecting with individuals, receiving the endorsement of influential celebrities like Oprah, being a best selling author and of having a stable loving family.

Thorsch featured a typical American flag background, on top of the digital image of a cork board using The Ultimate Vision Board Facebook app.

What's The Ultimate Vision Board Facebook App?

Thorsch explains in the about section for the application posted on Facebook.com that, "The Ultimate Vision Board is a digital corkboard to place pictures of what you want in your life." Thousands of Facebook users agree with Thorsch that "It's the most fun and easy way to design a life that inspires you."

To see and try the Facebook App THE ULTIMATE VISION BOARD go to: link to vision board app 

Thorsch agrees with the premise of The Vision Board book that by focusing your mind, emotions and activities towards your vision of your life, you'll be surprised at what you can achieve.


 fact, as I look at the quote that's on the new promo postcard for   The Vision Board: The Secret to an Extraordinary Life , I realize how appropriate it is for this night of Obama's election.

It's my joy to share this line from my book with you:

The Vision Board will help you craft your own personal vision statement and create a vision board.

 NOW is the time for you to believe that anything is possible in your life; embrace change, be brave and take the leap.

 What comes next will amaze you! "

from THE VISION BOARD by Joyce Schwarz, Collins Design.

To peek inside THE VISION BOARD book go to http://tinyurl.com/seeinsidebook on the Harper Collins Publishing website.  To get a free copy of the vision board newsletter, go to www.visionboard.info and sign up.