Visionboard certification

Visionboard Expert, Joyce Schwarz Featured Guest on WHCR90 Voice of Harlem Radio hosted by Rick Young

The author of the bestselling book "The Vision Board: Secret to an Extraordinary Life" published by Harper Collins and now available in audio on will be the featured guest on Rick Young's talk show "What's in your Hand" on WHCR90FM, the Voice of Harlem on Friday. December 15 between 6 to 8 am ET.

       Schwarz will reveal her top secrets for creating a powerful Visionboard and advise you on how to live your true Vision in 2023.


Topics Schwarz and Young will discuss include: 

1. Why a Visionboard is better than a New Years Resolution to make your dreams come true 

2. What really is a Visionboard and why do you need one. 

3. What is the Art of Visioning and why it is the secret sauce to.making your Visionboard come true.

Why listen to this show? 

 Author and Celebrity Coach to the stars, Joyce Schwarz may just be the world's top expert on Visionboard creation and guiding you in living your Visionboard.

      Schwarz is founder of the Visionboard Institute, www. Visionboard and has trained more than Certified VisionBoard Coaches (CVBC) around the globe from Mainland China to Japan to Europe to Canada, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, South America to across the USA and Canada 

     Together with my almost 500 CVBC coaches we have empowered more than a million VisionBoard creators to design powerful Visionboards and live their extraordinary life.

Seen in hundreds of media Outlets

Joyce Schwarz and her book and coaches have made headlines in such major publications as: LATimes, WallStJournal, Huffington Post and on such electronic media NBC Nightly News, PBS TV, NPR and online in featured on AOL, MSN, Yahoo and more.

     To get your free chapter of "The Vision Board book go to: 

See free chapter 61jauEut5oL._SY600_ (1)
Get Free Visionboard Newsletter

Sign up for your free quarterly newsletter at our blog at: Freenewsletter

Become A Certified Vision Board Coach ( CVBC) in 4 weeks Home Study


To learn more about the course and get Accredited as a CVBC go to : CVBC

Thanks to Rick Young host of WHCR90 talk show "What's I'm Your Hand".

See ( below) Rick Young in the


Young is not only a great radio host but he is also a paid motivational speaker and recognized for his Boxing Prowess. 

Stay Tuned: Upcoming Celebrity Events Open to the Public

The Visionboard Institute is proud to announce that Rick Young and Joyce Schwarz will be co-venturing on a series of high profile events open to the public in 2023 

JoycevbformulaBestselling author, Joyce Schwarz is shown sharing a chart of just some if the proprietary techniques that she has taught to more than 490 Certified Coaches worldwide. Contact her for more info on how you can create a new income stream and a side hustle in 4 weeks and even make $500 day on a Saturday. Helping people live their dreams and visions is very rewarding 

For more information on:Certification classes or to book Joyce Schwarz for a Corporate Visionboard Workshop or Retreat email her at: [email protected]

Follow Joyce on Twitter @joycecom and @visionboard. Follow Rick Young @Boxing4Success and see tweets @WCHR 

    Check back here for a link to hear a replay of this amazing radio interview .





















Visionboard Expert, Joyce Schwarz Featured Guest on WHCR90 Voice of Harlem Radio hosted by Rick Young

The author of the bestselling book "The Vision Board: Secret tonan Extraordinary Life" published by Harper Collins and now available in audio on will be the featured guest on Rick Young's talk show "What's in your Hand" on WHCR90FM, the Voice of Harlem on Friday. December 15 between 6 to 8 am ET.

       Schwarz will reveal her top secrets for creating a powerful Visionboard and advise you on how to live your true Vision in 2023.


Topics Schwarz and Young will discuss include: 

1. Why a Visionboard is better than a New Years Resolution to make your dreams come true 

2. What really is a Visionboard and why do you need one. 

3. What is the Art of Visioning and why it is the secret sauce to.making your Visionboard come true.

Why listen to this show? 

 Author and Celebrity Coach to the stars, Joyce Schwarz may just be the world's top expert on Visionboard creation and guiding you in living your Visionboard.

      Schwarz is founder of the Visionboard Institute, www. Visionboard and has trained more than Certified VisionBoard Coaches (CVBC) around the globe from Mainland China to Japan to Europe to Canada, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, South America to across the USA and Canada 

     Together with my almost 500 CVBC coaches we have empowered more than a million VisionBoard creators to design powerful Visionboards and live their extraordinary life.

Seen in hundreds of media Outlets

Joyce Schwarz and her book and coaches have made headlines in such major publications as: LATimes, WallStJournal, Huffington Post and on such electronic media NBC Nightly News, PBS TV, NPR and online in featured on AOL, MSN, Yahoo and more.

     To get your free chapter of "The Vision Board book go to: 

See free chapter 61jauEut5oL._SY600_ (1)
Get Free Visionboard Newsletter

Sign up for your free quarterly newsletter at our blog at: Freenewsletter

Become A Certified Vision Board Coach ( CVBC) in 4 weeks Home Study


To learn more about the course and get Accredited as a CVBC go to : CVBC

Thanks to Rick Young host of WHCR90 talk show "What's I'm Your Hand".

See ( below) Rick Young in the


Young is not only a great radio host but he is also a paid motivational speaker and recognized for his Boxing Prowess. 

Stay Tuned: Upcoming Celebrity Events Open to the Public

The Visionboard Institute is proud to announce that Rick Young and Joyce Schwarz will be co-venturing on a series of high profile events open to the public in 2023 

JoycevbformulaBestselling author, Joyce Schwarz is shown sharing a chart of just some if the proprietary techniques that she has taught to more than 490 Certified Coaches worldwide. Contact her for more info on how you can create a new income stream and a side hustle in 4 weeks and even make $500 day on a Saturday. Helping people live their dreams and visions is very rewarding 

For more information on:Certification classes or to book Joyce Schwarz for a Corporate Visionboard Workshop or Retreat email her at: [email protected]

Follow Joyce on Twitter @joycecom and @visionboard. Follow Rick Young @Boxing4Success and see tweets @WCHR 

    Check back here for a link to hear a replay of this amazing radio interview .





















The Vision Board book #1 Spiritual/mystical bestseller on Amazon Canada

yes, great news THE VISION BOARD book by Joyce Schwarz with the foreword by famous Canadian speaker and motivational author Bob Proctor is number 1 AGAIN on Amazon Canada -- for 28 weeks total for this year. Thanks for your ongoing support.


For a free chapter of the book go to

To buy the book in the USA go to or go to more than 6,000 bookstores near you including Barnes & Noble & Borders & more!

Any questions or wish to book author Joyce Schwarz for speaking engagements email: joyceschwarz(at)


It's time to Re-vision 2009 Do a new Vision Statement & Vision Board!

Re-Visioning 2009: Make a new vision statement & vision board NOW
by Joyce A. Schwarz, and  

At this time of the year, many of us are looking forward to a great summer and we may also be looking at what we've accomplished so far in 2009.

That's why I recommend that you do a quarterly check up on your Vision Statement and Vision Board. I do mine at the start of each season: Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring etc.

The most important tools to guide you through the transitions of each year are a Vision Statement and a Vision Board.

What am I talking about? A vision statement is a vivid, idealized description of the outcome that you want. Something that inspires ... energizes you, and helps you create a mental image of your target.

My personal vision statement is short and sweet “TO LIVE THE POSSIBLE DREAM”, a positive spin on Don Quixote’s famous “Live the Impossible Dream”.


Some of you may be familiar with corporate mission statements or company mantras but all too often those come from the Ivory towers and are issued via memo.

Vision statements are much more personal – the concept started from the grass roots and spread across the world by people who want to realize their own personal talents and ensure that their life matches their values.

USE TO ENHANCE YOUR LIFE...and visualize the future: A vision statement can be used to enhance any part of your life, like family or career. It could also be created to visualize a new home or a specific project.

Here are some tips for creating your own vision statement:

*Summarize your vision in a powerful statement (1-4 sentences)

*Make sure it stands the test of time (think ballpark vs. small details)

*Suspend disbelief—anything is possible!

*Follow up with ‘inspired action’ (specific steps toward your vision)

*Post it somewhere you can see it daily (and update it quarterly)

*Consider starting with a wish list or bucket list of your dreams.

*Start with a sentence or two and pare it down to a short phrase

*Pick a power word like freedom and craft your vision around that word.

Where to get your inspiration for your vision?

Give a new spin to a classic song you love.

Rearrange an advertising phrase to inspire you.

See a favorite movie one more time.

Refer to a favorite quotation

Recite your favorite poem, it may offer a hint or two

Once you craft your vision statement here are some ways to use it to inspire you to create your create your best possible holiday season and lead into a new year to remember.

Post it where you can see it daily.

Carry a copy of it in your wallet or handbag.

Add it to your vision board.

Print it on the back of your business cards.

Use the power words in your new vision statement to update our current vision board or create a new vision board just for this upcoming season ie Summertime!

Twitj Joyce Schwarz: Author's Bio
Joyce Schwarz is the best-selling author of THE VISION BOARD the secret to an extraordinary life which has a preface by Bob Proctor and an afterword by Jack Canfield. The book has been featured in TV GUIDE, on Television networks ABC, NBC, CBS, CW in 52 different cities.

 Schwarz is also the founder of THE VISION BOARD Institute and has launched the world's first accreditation program for Certied Vision Board Counselors which you can find out more about by going to

SAY YES TO LIFE WITH A VISION BOARD by Joyce Schwarz, author The Vision Board book


In these days of economic downturn, you may hear lots of comments of doom and gloom. What we all need at this time is to say YES, to the great things and people in our lives!.


By creating a SAY YES TO LIFE Vision Board you can do 'just' that!



Some days it seems that everyone around you is in a negative mood. All you hear is "NO", "NO" or "NO WAY"!

So what can you do --well, JUST SAY YES!



Here are 5 NO COST WAYS TO SAY AND "SHOW" YES to the world even before you make your vision board:

1) Go to the park and take a ride on a swing -- go ahead act the age of your shoe size? Ever heard that before --my shoe size is 8 -- so I get to be an 8 year old anytime I want!

2)Eat dessert first! I just found out that October 28 --the launch date of The Vision Board: The Secret to an Extraordinary Life is NATIONAL CHOCOLATE DAY! Ymmm so I'm taking this opportunity to remind you to eat your dessert first that day -- it's only 19 days away! A little bit of dark chocolate is full of anioxidents so go ahead splurge every day with a bite or two of the most decadent chocolate you can find!

3) Put on your happy cap if you're having a bad hair day. I always keep a few of my favorite baseball caps with fun logos hanging as decorations in one of my closets! When I'm feeling a bit down -- I ALWAYS wear my sequineed black and silver baseball cap and I take it on trips around the world-- even on a ride on an Arabian horse in Petra, Jordan!

NO MORE BAD HAIR DAYS! Okay -- we'll have to get some SHARE THE VISION baseball caps to tie in with our website! More on that later.

4) Share a compliment-- say something nice today to someone you DON'T KNOW -- if life is a little cloudy-- I always make sure that I give a compliment or two to someone I see in a store or even in a parking lot.

It's easy --and yes, you can be sincere -- after all -- most people love to be told that their car is a beautiful color or that their T shirt is so much fun or that you love that gorgeous Olive green handbag that the senior you see at the post office is carrying.

You'll be amazed how much it perks you up!

5) CALL A PAL you haven't talked to in a few months or even a few years. Ask them the questions about their life and family -- be a good listener, don't spoil the moment by dragging them down with your own doldrums! Remind them of a couple of fun things you did together.

That's a great way to open the call --start by saying "remember the time we did....."

Now make a list of all of the great things you appreciate in your life and all of the great people and take some pictures of them or go through a magazine and begin to place them on a vision board.

What's a vision board? Most of you know a vision board is a visual map or depiction of how you'd like to live your best life possible and a way to pay tribute to the wonderful things you have and are creating in your life.

Take a poster board or a blank journal and paste some of these YES images in your journal or on your board. And add affirmations that remind you that you are grateful for what IS yes in you life and what will add more YES to your life in the future. Speak in the present tense (not the future) I am grateful for the wonderful home I have on a hill in the forest! YES I have that home now! See it experience it.


Author's Bio
Joyce A. Schwarz is the author of THE VISION BOARD, th secret to an extraordinary life. For a free chapter of the book go to http:/

Create a Father's Day Vision Board by Joyce Schwarz, author THE VISION BOARD BOOK

How to create a Father's Day Vision Board By Joyce Schwarz author THE VISION BOARD book
by Joyce Schwarz 

This article will show you how to create a Father's Day Vision Board step by step that really enhances your relationship with your father no matter what is happening in his or your life or even if he has passed on!


Father's Day is coming up and for many fathers and sons it is a time of joy and great fun and wonder to share the day with their dad and their offspring.

For other men and boys and girls Father's Day can be a challenging day because a) their relationship with their father is not up to par or their father has passed on or they are a new dad adn not sure how to form a real bond with their kids.


How to create a Father's Day Vision Board step by step (basic version):

1) Gather together pictures of your dad alone and pictures of you with your dad -- if you have them from past albums or from old shoeboxes full of photos.

2) Get a large poster board or consider putting the pictures into a journal or even scanning them into your computer so you can take advantage of some of the computer vision board creation services.

3) Scan the pictures or sort through and pick out 5-6 pictures that just seem right to you.

4) Take some time and play some home movies or videos of you and your dad if you have them. Or do a short visit with your dad via phone if he's still alive and you are on talking terms. Or if he has passed on take time to go to the cemetary and visit his gravesite.

5) If you are not talking to your dad for some reason or have become estranged, take some time to revisit the good times you had with your dad via the movies in your own memory bank.

6) Make a list of 5 of the BEST times you had with your father, was it at an amusement park, was it playing ball with him, was it on a vacation, was it when he came home from work and scooped you up in his arms each night. Start with 5 you can add more or if more come to you start circling the best five that you feel warmest about inside you.

7) Make a list of the POWER words that come to mind when you think of your dad. What did he contribute to your life positively? What did he teach you that has helped you be a better person. If you can't think of anything because maybe you're angry with him or you were adopted or you never knew your father, you can do one of two things a) pick a father figure in your life -- a past teacher or a coach or refer to b) your heavenly father or c) put down those power words of great actions you just know your father would have liked to have shown you if he was able to such as LOVE, Warmth, Bravery, Courage, Perseverance, Humor etc.

8) Start in the center of the board by arranging a picture of you and your dad in a happy time. Or if you don't have a picture of your dad, use a picture from another father figure or a picture of you under the guidance of your heavenly father or the Universe which has guided you in the past and will again in the future. 

9) Arrange some of the other wonderful reminders of the good times in your life with your father in a circle around the center picture. If you don't have good time pictures then pick some out of a magazine or off of the Internet (be sure to get copyright free photos by looking for the term Creative Commons on photo websites).

10) Add the power words -- either type them up on your computer or add words that are the same out of magazine headlines or add power words that come with your Vision Board software program.

11) Add some embellishments-- add some stickers or add some glitter (yes glitter is fine for men too) or add some momentos from your dad and you -- maybe a ticket from a movie you both went to recently. Or maybe one of his medals from the service or even a note you have from your dad that shows his handwriting.

12) Paste or glue all of this on to your board or if you are making a computerized board scan it into your computer so you can move the pictures around.

13) Affirmations: -- add some affirmations about how you'd like to remember your dad if he's passed or how you'd like to resolve difference or have a better relationship with him. Such as My Dad and I have lots of fun together. My dad gives great insight to me. Speak in the present tense not the future and not the past (even if he has passed on).

14) Place your board in a prominent place where you can see it -- in your office or in front of your computer. If you're shy -- get a scan made of the board and use it as an inspirational picture for a screensaver or wallpaper for your phone. OR make a smaller version to use on a keychain and share it with your dad as a present.

You can also make variations of this MAKE YOUR OWN VISION BOARD with your dad such as a daddy and me board for dads with small children or a parents board for mommy and daddy and me. SHARE THE VISION


Author's Bio
Joyce Schwarz is the author of The Vision Board: the secret to an Extraordinary Life from Harper Collins Publishing and she is also head of JCOM marketing and emerging media consulting service in Marina Del Rey, California. You can see more about Joyce Schwarz at the book's website at or go to


Father's Day: Find out how to envision a better relationship with your dad: listen to radio interview with Joyce Schwarz, author THE VISION BOARD book


  JOYCE SCHWARZ TO APPEAR ON RADIO FATHER'S DAY JUNE 21, 2009 TALKING ABOUT DADDY & ME VISION BOARD CREATION and using a vision board to envision a better relationship with your dad or for dads with their kids!

Bestselling Author Joyce Schwarz Discusses

THE VISION BOARD book on Blog Talk Radio

 Twitj author and Hollywood career and new company launch strategist Joyce Schwarz shown above left will appear on a special radiio show on Father's Day June 21 for more info email: [email protected]



On Sunday, June 21, 2009  at  5pm EST, Bestselling author &


career strategist, Joyce Schwarz

features on Rhymes, Views & News Talk Radio on Blog Talk Radio.  Joyce Schwarz is the author of THE VISION BOARD (Harper Collins Publishing, Collins Design 2008) book which is a best-seller across the

USA & Canada

. Listen live or call in for this exciting radio interview featuring Joyce Schwarz!

  During the interview Joyce Schwarz will:

Ø      Discuss visioning and vision board creation!

Ø      Share her experience as a coach and consultant to entrepreneurs, corporate executives, celebrities, TV personalities, Olympic athletes, and even a presidential candidate!

Ø      Tell you how to empower your success and create a vision map for you future!

Ø      Tips on successful recareering and more!

Rhymes, Views & News Talk Radio is hosted by writer, performer and author, DuEwa Frazier.  Listen live on Sunday, June 21st at

5pm EST

, via

 or call-in at 646-716-9474!

 Joyce Schwarz will take your questions and hear your comments regarding personal development and success!

Visit the following websites for more information on Joyce Schwarz and THE VISION BOARD:



BPSCA Honors The VIsion Board Book Author Joyce Schwarz As Success Story!

The Book Publicists of Southern California Honored author and Hollywood career strategist Joyce Schwarz as a "SUCCE$$" story at their June meeting at the Sportsmen's Lodge Hotel in Studio City, California. Here are some of the pictures from that event:

Bps BPSCA Logo Book Publicists of Southern California and link to their website: honored THE VISION BOARD author Joyce Schwarz at their June SUCCESS STORY MEETING!

Joycea  Joycesportsa Joyce Schwarz shown left speaking to the BPSCA in Studio City, CA at the Sportsmen's lodge hotel about how to sell your book to a major publisher. She is holding up THE VISION BOARD book she sold to Harper Collins Publishing, Collins Design.

 Joycetink Left, Margaret Kerry, who is famous as the prototype model for TINKER BELL for Disney films & PETER PAN is shown left with Joyce Schwarz, author THE VISION BOARD. They shared the dais at a special event on SUCCESS STORIES at a recent event.


Google's front page featured press release about Joyce Schwarz speaking at the BPSCA event -- wonder if BPSCA has been on Google's front page before?

Bpeople Prior to Joyce Schwarz speaking at the BPSCA event a club member sneaks a peek at Joyce's THE VISION BOARD book while other members look on! Thanks to Irwin Zucker and Ernie Weckbaeger and everyone else who made the event a success!

Joycetink2 another version of Joyce Schwarz, author, THE VISION BOARD with her new gorgeous pal Margaret Kerry. Margaret bought a copy of THE VISION BOARD for her daughter and Joyce autographed it! SO MUCH FUN!

Tablea a glimpse at the large crowd that turned out for the BPSCA SUCCESS STORIES Thurs, June 11.

Tableb another look at the crowd attending the BPSCA Success Stories event on June 11. Check it out, one of the members in the center back is actually shown reading Joyce Schwarz' book THE VISION BOARD during the event!

Other speakers at the "DIG NEW SUCCESS STORIES" BPSCA included Margaret Kerry, longtime BPSC member teaming up with ERnie Weckbaugh club president to promo his upcoming new book 12 Big Lessons Learned as a Little Rascal due out in August. Margaret wrote the introduction! Yes, she was a LITTLE RASCAL too!

And other honorees and speakers were Linda Salvin MPH, PHD celebrating her 15th year as a popular radio psychic most recently with KABC TALK radio and  contributor to the BPSCA famous "CHOPPED LIVER" series.

AND the "Oracle of LA" as introduced by Irwin Zucker, Denise L Cook, author of THE ORACLE SPEAKS, just because...


And special thanks to my colleagues who are also fabulous speakers who were in the audience that night: Robbie Motter and Marsh Engle, both contributors to Joyce Schwarz THE VISION BOARD book!

For a free chapter from THE VISION BOARD go to And to buy the book to or to any of 6,000 bookstores across the US and Canada and also Target online and in stores and COSTCO in Canada!




By Joyce Schwarz: YEA, I finally am able to share with you a video on HOW TO BECOME A CERTIFIED VISION BOARD COUNSELOR -- yes now, the 45 minute info call available previously only via teleconference is a VIDEO.


That video is now posted on the right side of this blog at the right hand column of You can click on the video that looks like this picture above. Vbcertcover

OR YOU CAN CLICK THIS LINK and it will send you to a page where you can watch it online: watch certified vision board info video  

Homestudy1 Also ask about the CERTIFIED VISION BOARD COUNSELOR home study course. The next telesminar 8 week class begins the week of July 6 and the home study course will be available on July 6.

A down payment of $100 gets you started in the 8 week course! So please to register.

Don't forget to play the video --it's only 20 minutes long and I think you'll enjoy it. Thanks so much.

For a free chapter of the THE VISION BOARD book go to:

Ginabook To get a free newsletter on how to create vision boards & how to make more money by helping other people's dreams come true go to: and sign up.

To see the official website for the book go to


By Joyce Schwarz, and email me at joyceschwarz(at)
PLEASE JOIN ME -- look at the gorgeous certificate that can be yours in 8 weeks or less! Also take the course from a telephone -- no computer needed. Anywhere in the world and for the first time -- HOME STUDY VERSION TOO!
Free 45 min call on vision board teaching & being a Certified VB Counselor Monday June 13 @ 3 pm EST and 7 pm EST: (605) 475-4810 Code: 781737#

ALSO FIND OUT HOW YOU CAN GET A $400 per person referral fee!

for mailing anyone on your list that signs up and mentions your email! REALLY $400 per person!
Copy of the gorgeous hand lettered scroll that Certified Vision Board Counselors get when they complete the specifications and the 8 week course, for details email: joyceschwarz(at)

OR see even more details at

Joycebook For a free chapter of THE VISION BOARD book go to: The book is available at or at 6,000 bookstores nationwide.
JOYCECOMBO See The Vision Board book author Joyce Schwarz here with just a few of the Hollywood celebrities she has worked with and some of the wisdom leaders including Bob Proctor (who wrote the foreword for the book, Jack Canfield who wrote the afterword and Holli Walker who is the creator of BEYOND THE SECRET DVD.
For more information about becoming a Certified Vision Board Counselor -- please send an email to: [email protected] and put MORE INFO in the subject.
TO GET YOUR SPACE in the new class starting the week of July 6-- all classes are via telephone (no computer or travel needed) call in on Monday :
PLEASE JOIN ME -- look at the gorgeous certificate that can be yours in 8 weeks or less! Also take the course from a telephone -- no computer needed. Anywhere in the world and for the first time -- HOME STUDY VERSION TOO!
Free 45 min call on vision board teaching & being a Certified VB Counselor Monday @ 3 pm EST and 7 pm EST: (605) 475-4810 Code: 781737#